I've moved my blog to HERE. Also visit my newly designed website www.jungyeonroh.com. Everything is NEW NEW! Hope you like more my new new changed website and blog. :)
My interview is a part of this article, and glad it has both Korean and English.
“Finding my voice was influenced by my teachers,” said Roh Jung-yeon, a graduating MFA Illustration as Visual Essay student, who previously only practiced realism but was encouraged by several of SVA’s professors to experiment until she found her narrative in silkscreening. With two undergraduate degrees — a bachelor’s in illustration from SVA and a bachelor’s in fine arts from Kyung Hee University — the young Korean has always studied her craft. Now, having won an unprecedented number of awards from Society of Illustrators and having had her work published in the Op-Ed pages of The New York Times, Roh has a future and opportunities. Once she graduates, she’ll live out her dream as an illustrator in New York City with an artist’s work visa.
석사 졸업을 앞둔 한국인 유학생 노정연 씨는 이곳에서 비로소 자신의 스타일을 찾았다고 고백한다. 전에는 오직 사실주의풍으로만 그렸는데 새로운 시도를 멈추지 말라는 지도 교수의 격려에 힘입어 실크스크린 작업을 시작했고, 덕분에 자신만의 화풍을발견한 것이다. 일러스트레이터학회에서 전례 없이 많은 상을 받고 <뉴욕 타임스>의 칼럼에 일러스트를 그린 노정연 씨의 미래는매우 밝다. 졸업 후 예술가 자격으로 취업 비자를 받아 뉴욕에서 일러스트레이터로 일할 거라는꿈도 머지않아 현실이 될 것이다. 졸업생들의 성공 스토리 현재 학교에는 51개국에서 모인 학생들이 성공을 꿈꾸며 공부하고 있다.약 3500명의 학부생과 500명의 대학원생이 재학 중이며, 일러스트레이션・만화학과에는 591명의 학부생과 39명의 대학원생이 있다. 전 세계에서 많은 학생이 모여드는 이유는 훌륭한 커리큘럼과 화려한 교수진 때문이다. 작가, 디자이너, 영화 제작자, 사진가 등 현직에서 활약하는 1000여 명의 전문가가 교수진에 이름을 올리고 있다. 그들은 실시간으로 업계의 소식을 전달할 뿐 아니라 학생들의 멘토가 되어 진심 어린 조언도 아끼지 않는다. 노정연 씨도 이런 점 때문에 스쿨 오브 비주얼 아트를 선택했다. 무엇보다 그녀의 우상인 데이비드 샌들린이 이곳의 교수로있다. 샌들린은 왕성하게 활동하며 이름을 알려 가는 화가, 판화가, 만화가다. <뉴요커>와 <2009 미국 우수 만화 선집> 같은 매체에서도 그의 작품을 소개할 정도다. 일러스트레이터이자 디자이너인 빅터 코엔 역시 학교의 명성을 상징하는 교수다. +++ More about SVA and Illustration +++ 교수진 못지않게 졸업생 역시 화려한 커리어를 자랑한다.1947년에 설립한 일러스트레이션・만화학과는 지금까지 많은 예술가를 배출했는데, 영화 <엑스맨>과 <유주얼 서스펙트>의 감독브라이언 싱어, 마블 코믹스의 전 편집장 조 퀘사다, 애니메이션 <아이스 에이지>와 <로봇>의 공동 감독 카를루스 살다냐, 연재 만화 <머츠>의 작가 패트릭 맥도넬 등이 이 학교 졸업생이다. 애리스먼 학과장은 이렇게 우수한 학생을 배출한 건 스토리텔링 교육이 있기에 가능했다고 다시 한번 강조한다. 커리큘럼의목적은 단순히 졸업 후 일감을 받을 수 있는 기술을 익히는 게 아니다. 작문과 일러스트레이션 교육을 동시에 진행해 자기만의 이야기를 펼쳐 나가는 법을 가르치는 것이 진정한 목적이다.“일러스트레이터로서 주제와 내용에 대해 책임감을 갖는 것,자기 주도적으로 프로젝트를 진행하는 것이 교육 목표입니다. 그러면 언어, 그림, 동영상 등 형태에 구애받지 않고 다양한 방법으로 이야기를 전달할 수 있으니까요.” 애리스먼은 예술가가 자기만의 목소리를 갖는 게 중요한 이유에 대해서도 한마디 했다. “예술가가 고유의 이야기를 가지면 타인에게 영향을 줄 수 있어요.예술이 더 이상 상업적인 행위가 아닌 거죠. 중요한 의미를 갖는강렬한 존재를 창조해 낸 거니까요.” - Marshall Arisman -
Here's the link of Invitation to a Dialogue: The Way America Eats. I was trilled yesterday when I got a call by 1:30pm and final was done by 5pm. Whooooaaaaaa! I really enjoyed the story, and hope my love of veganism appeared in the drawing. ** Special thanks to the HOT art director Aviva Michaelov**
In the opening day. It was blasted!!! Lots of people came and couldn't even breath for two hours. ha! Project room 1 view different view My work and I! :D My American "Dad" David Sandlin and I were after finishing installation. Cannot explain how much I thank to David. It's just endless. My true inspirations! Thanks for coming to the show! Now I cannot believe all is over, and already miss the past two years. ( or five....!!!!) I should thank to SVA a lot! ;)
If you missed the show, two pieces of H.O.T will be exhibited at IPCNY New Prints 2011/ Summer show. (It is on a block away from SVA gallery in Chelsea)
New Prints 2011/Summer - Selected by Trenton Doyle Hancock
Opening Reception: June 9, 6-8 pm On View: June 9 - July 29, 2011
I'm sure America LOVES me to stay here. When I first logged into the award results page, I distrusted my eyes. Winning three gold cubes in a year could be just "never-happening" thing, so I happily cried and asked ADC.
They said,
"The jury wanted to award ALL your work which is why they grouped them together as a compilation. They did not award you 3 Gold cubes, they awarded you 1 Gold cube for all 3 projects. They had very few Gold winners, and they didn't want to award only 1 of the books, so they grouped them together. "
HOLY SHIT! I got another gold cube this year! It's not a dream!!! And I did really know why people cried out when they had the happiest moment.
Thanks America, Thank you ADC! It will be really helpful to get my O-1 Visa!! Foooor suuuurrrreeee!!! :D So, here's the winners' announce page that they posted today, and made me get excited to find my name again under the Illustration Category! :D (Thank you & Thank you!)
Not only this news made me happy today.
Here's an interview I did with Co-op Branding which is a dreamy design company in New York. Click HERE to see my complete interview that I prepared with Co-op since last summer. Some episodes behind, and it was supposed to be a video clip. But next time, I'll show my face! haha Thanks soooo much to Joan and Thu! xo
Other bloggings about me posted today were from The Fox is Black and Meathaus. Thanks so much! Today must be a good day for all the good news! Oh, I just updated my website with all the new images from my thesis (H.O.T) project! Check out and please come to our thesis show ! We just finished installation yesterday. You can see all the original prints and my book, and other 20 artists' amazing works! Thanks again for all!! xo
Jungyeon's sixth handmade book H.O.T- only 5 books in the world! :D It's finally done. I couldn't just believe the fact that I was done, and made me extremely happy every morning for a while. No more pressure for school! GOD!Got Communication Arts 52 few days ago. For me, it was the most valuable thing than any others to be in! because it was my first time to get into the magazine, and it's my favorite Townies series about being a Korean/Chinese girl living in New York! - yay that's me! Bonus pic- Central park at night. (a lonely runner kept running day and night!)
Finally all done. I did make it! only next two days for the installation and everything will be really done! It's time to enjoy my life finally!!! NO MORE GOODY TWO- SHOES~!!
For five years in America, I ONLY did study. STUDY STUDY.! ( never been to Circle, some Koreans asked me. haha... where is it?...) I didn't really go to Korea Town either. ( once in a year?...) Some people who first met me treated me as a normal Korean girl, because of my appearance?... but sorry, I'd say I'm not. (yeah...I'm abnormal...) but I miss Korea for sure.
I was never that kind of nerd in Korea, but I changed a lot while I lived/studied here alone. ( of course I have a sister) Believe it or not, when I was in high school, my second year teacher highly recommended me to be a comedian. Some very famous celebrities went to the same high school as me at that time, so it could be a possible thing if my teacher really pushed.... haha
However, America made me change as a serious hard worker and extraordinary goody two-shoes. which is good for me in the Long Run.
I'll update the H.O.T images soon on my website!
Oh, and here's the images that have been selected to appear in American Illustration 30 Annual book. Thanks so much! the party will be Nov 10, 2011! cool?!
Now, it's time to prepare my Artist Visa for a year. At the final review with Marshall, David and Josh, I got a mission. Oh, and Marshall emphasized " You are a funny girl. huh huh~" He probably saw my old-potential to be a comedian.
I can't tell what the mission was, but the mission will be possible. hopefully soon! ;) The funny thing is that they all wanted me to keep working hard. sigh.... haha OK, I will! :D
Sue Coe (born 1951 in Tamworth, Staffordshire) is an Englishartist and illustrator working primarily in drawing and printmaking, often in the form of illustrated books and comics. She grew up close to a slaughterhouse and developed a passion to stop cruelty to animals. Coe studied at the Royal College of Art in London, lived in New York City from 1972 to 2001. She currently lives in upstate New York. Her work is highly political, often directed against capitalism and cruelty to animals. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, RAW, and Time magazine, and her paintings have been exhibited in galleries and museum around the world, including New York's Museum of Modern Art. Her previous books include How to Commit Suicide in South Africa (1983), X (1986), Dead Meat (1996) and Pit's Letter (2000). Judith Brody co-authored Bully with Coe in 2004.
One of my big dream is that having all these silkscreen equipments (should be exactly the same) in my house. So that I can print all the time at home FOREVER! :D I love you. I love you. Waited for drying screens. A nice crab image printed by Dominick in 2008 on my apron! I really want to say goodbye to wearing my Vans. (want to be a woman!)
The most labor-intensive part of the book, folding, gluing, printing cover ( the real BIACH!), and binding. Standing for 6 hours for folding them all... and they HAD TO be all precise!!! Bonus pic- Murray's Bagels in Chelsea where is Tomi and I's hot spot. I went twice in last week for having plain Tofu cream cheese bagel for dinner. haha (never for breakfast... sorry, too heavy...) Their tofu cream cheese is DOPE!