It was sleepless week since last Wednesday night, and today feels like a weekend to me.
I got an unbelievable e-mail from NY Times, and they needed my illustrations for their new blog named Townies which just started a month ago.
The story is about being a Korean/Chinese woman in New York City, and the amazing writer is Mary H.K. Choi who is also Korean!
So I yelled, THIS IS PERFECT FOR ME!!!!! and yes, it totally worked well with my 5 years of life experiences in NY!
I really enjoyed the story I illustrated last week, and you can see the 4 different idea sketches and finals here.
Every Wednesday after 6pm in November, it will be updated, so please stay tuned for the interesting Korean woman living in NY stories with my illustrations!!!
I don't know how can I show my thankful mind to NY Times, but all I can do is creating my best illustrations for them even though I can't sleep in November!!
** Many thanks to the hottest art director Alexandra Zsigmond**
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