Check out my new images for Buying Lenin book.
Here are some drawings from Essex Street Market.
I had fun with my homies, and ate lots of food there.
The guy who was drawn in cupcake page gave me a shock about my eating.
(I shared my hot carrot muffin and pistachio cupcake with three guys, but he thought I ate all by myself... yeah... mostly I ate... that's true)
He told me most Asian people not usually eat that much.
neh neh neh boo boo!!! but it was fun! and I'll definitely go his bakery again.
I enjoyed using pencils for my drawings, but not sure they are good enough.
ps. if anyone related to any restaurant that I can visit for drawing project once in a week, please pleease pleeease e-mail me jungyeon@jungyeonroh.com
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