About two months ago, I was asked to be one of contributors for Rabid Rabbit #12 issue!
I love comics and it was only two pages doing as a first time contributor.
It seemed easy as pie for me at first.
However, I've ONLY drew, dreamy, lovely, funny, humorous, funky, gross, foods stuff so far, it was the first time to draw scary things for me.
As a Vegan girl, I chose Anti Fur, and made the SCARY~~~ story. haha
It took twice( or three?) times than I usually spent for two page comics before, and made me like a real crazy mad woman like the main character's face!!!!!
Looking at the reference photos made me really disgust sometimes, and my head had only negative shits.
But, yeah.... as you see, it's all done!
and I returned to a positive Miss Eggplant again! ( I guess... )
Thanks to Marshall for recommending me to do the honored stuff, and hope my work is good match for the issue!
:DSide blabbing about Vegan:
" You will pee in your pants when you see how much weight you lose from giving up dairy." -Skinny Bitch-
Now, I'm experiencing this in reality... Should I be happy? haha.... aw...
Miss Eggplant never forget your kindness if you sincerely treated her kindly.
Never ever!
This print will be in Miss Eggplant's top lovable 15 people's mailboxes.
Thanks again!
Here is the taking Roller Coaster with Jonathan print.
When I printed this page, his faces all disappeared from the thin line drawing, so I retouched 30 pages of his "gross faces" :)
Once I thought every color was too bright, but my teacher said it seems like getting the brilliant sun everywhere.
So I left the colors, and really happy with it now.
:)Need more time to make it perfect.